Wednesday, March 13, 2013


March what? Does anyone else think the time is flying by?
Well I know it's like already the second week in March but these last couple weeks have seemed really crazy and busy.
Last week we hosted Potential students for our catch the vision we had local and some out of staters visit the school. These students got to experience life here at the BI, that we live. It was great to meet some new people and fellowship with maybe some future class mates. I also celebrated my birthday that weekend and a group came from my home church! I have to say I felt pretty loved!
Lets see classes are great as usually, I am in "Life of Christ" right now for two hours. I have a free hour in the morning which I am so thankful for I have been able to do a little extra studying myself with out ANY distractions, which in this environment is pretty hard to do! I am so pumped to start Acts and 1st Corinthians!
Well this weekend we have tribal cup which is we're we travel to our sister school and compete in a variety or sports, volleyball, soccer, and basketball. And Yes, you guessed it I am playing in all. I just can't seem to pick one haha.
Super pumped though its going to be a fun trip and time of fellowship.
Also this week, we have/are in the middle of special emphases which pretty much it's two days totally focused on missions we have Paul Wyma here speaking with us about the NTM core values and even telling the story of how NTM Mission started, and IBC (Immanuel Bible Church) has been mentioned! Makes me think of my home church back home and miss everyone! Looking forward to the session in the morning.
Well little bit info about me, I am looking for a job right now cash follow is a little low but it's ok I am not to worried I have what I need to get by. I am Absolutely looking forward to spring break though. I think because everything has gone by so fast I just need a moment to think on of what we have actually been learning and studying and of course to SEE MY FAMILY!!!! I miss them so much!
Well thank you for your prayers, and your thoughtful cards I love getting mail from everyone! And I try to write back.

As I look to the summer I have a couple options but will let you know hopefully in my next blog what that maybe.

I think that's about it, here is a thought I leave for you. ( I have been thinking about this)
"So we must think twice before we eat what society feeds us and come follow the King, who is Jesus" (maybe works of a new poem)

P.s. I have been writing a lot of poetry maybe ill share one next time. Thanks for taking time to read this.

Hope you enjoy the pictures ones from our nerf night and the other from catch the vision.

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